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Apostle Kimball E. Gibson
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Apostle Kimball Gibson was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on August 16, 1965. Shortly after graduating from high school, he enlisted in the United States Army in September 1983 where he spent 23 years of Service in Communications and retired from active duty as a First Sergeant and a Battlefield Spectrum Manager, he now resides in Fayetteville, NC.

Apostle Gibson received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior in September 1983, while attending Shiloh’s Tabernacle Milwaukee Wisconsin. Apostle Gibson has always been drawn to the presence of God as he became a part of the Youth Choir and the Outreach Ministry at Shiloh. He has always had a passion and been drawn to work with Youth. He served as a Children’s Church Teacher for Comanche Chapel’s Gospel Service in Ft. Hood Texas from 1992-1995, then from 1995-1998 for the Darmstadt Community Chapel Gospel’s Service Darmstadt, Germany.

Apostle Gibson re-dedicated his life and accepted the call to the Ministry in June 1998 where he served as a Youth Minister, Usher, Greeter, Teen Minister, and Trainer for the New Converts Class at the Potters House Christian Fellowship Jacksonville, FL under the leadership of Bishop Vaughn McLaughlin from 1998-2001. Bishop’s quote was always “He models ministries for the New Millennium”. Apostle Gibson has served in various positions while residing overseas, at Jesus World Outreach Ministry (JWOC) in Heidelberg, GE from 2001-2004 as a Youth Minister, Hospitality Ministry and served as Armorer Bearer for many special guests and internationally renowned Gospel recording artists Annually, at the “Bustin Loose Conferences” hosted by (JWOC), such as Virtue, Cross Movement, and K&K Mime. He also served overseas in various Ministries while undergoing two deployments to Iraq 2003-2004, and 2004-2005. He served at Cumberland Christian Center Church as a Youth Teacher for the 6-10 age group during Wednesday Night Bible Studies and Sunday Morning Service Children’s Church.

Apostle Gibson was licensed and ordained as an Elder to Minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ by Apostle Melvin Moore and Prophetess Margaret Moore with Kingdom Connection Christion Center Church in October 2009 where he also served as the Pastor’s Armorer Bearer, Praise and Worship Team, and Director/Youth Pastor from 2009-2012. In 2012 Apostle Gibson partnered with “Equipping the Five-Fold” Ministry, under the leadership of Apostle Elaine Murray to minister to the unchurched and to train and assist church leaders to develop curriculum and help to guide them to walk in the power and authority of Jesus Christ.

Apostle Gibson was licensed and ordained as an Apostle to Minister the Gospel under the Apostolic Coalition of Apostles under Without Limits Ministries International Inc. under the leadership of Chief Apostle Dr. Frederick Harris of Without Limits Ministries in June 2014. Apostle Gibson is anointed with the gift of Exhortation with a genuine love for God’s people. He is a Minister who has a mandate and heart to see all God’s people equipped with their kingdom authority to do God’s business here on earth. Apostle Gibson travels to minister the word of Exhortation and Reconciliation to see God’s people get their relationships back in good standings with the Father.

Apostle Kimball Gibson is married to Prophetess Beverly Gibson to their union of over 35 years and they have three sons Antoin, Quentin, and Daishan. God is raising some of the most unlikely, so they can preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ with a demonstration of His power and might as a testimony with prophetic signs and wonders for this next generation.


Kimball E. Gibson


Board Member

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